Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Have you ever thought about sea turtles and how the weather affects them? Maybe you should. Follyturtles.com is a very interesting website that follows sea turtles that have come ashore to lay their eggs and then leave them to hatch. The folks at Folly Beach then find these nests and take care of them until they are all hatched - hopefully. What is so amazing about this website is the discussion of all the issues that affects the success of hatchlings being produced, and the detail counts that goes with the overlooking of these nests. There is much care for sea turtles and it is all discussed at. This is a great site to explore with students who are interested in how factors such as the weather, beach erosion http://www.follyturtles.com/and fire ants can all affect the success of turtles being hatched. I love this site. As a science teacher, I find this site really useful.